
The Allergy App is a comprehensive mobile solution for allergy management. It offers features like symptom tracking, personalized information, allergen-free product recommendations, and a supportive community. With data-driven insights and user feedback, it empowers users to navigate allergies confidently and make informed decisions. The brand design and colors were chosen to fit into Viatris, one of the global health organizations that provide relief medications for allergies.

Through these goals, the Allergy App aims to enhance allergy management, promote community support, and improve the overall well-being of allergy sufferers

  • Empower users to effectively manage allergy symptoms and make informed decisions.

  • Increase allergy awareness and foster a supportive community.

  • Personalize information and recommendations for individual allergy needs.

  • Continuously improve the user experience based on feedback and data analysis.

UX Designer


The Problem

The CDC estimates show that in 2021, at least one in three adults suffer from allergies, with an occurrence of one in four children. Across the country, more than 100 million people in the US experience allergies annually[1]. Most allergy patients face challenges in managing their allergies due to lack of accessible and personalized resources.

  1. CDC - Allergy Facts


Conduct research to understand target user and their goals
Generate possible ideas to meet the user needs
Select the most feasible ideas based on impact
Gather feedback and make design improveents
Suggestions for future improvements

Understand & Define

Owing to the limited time and budget constraints, my research approach relied chiefly on using secondary data by scrapping reviews and stories from online sources such as Allergic Living[2], Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA)[3], and reviews on competitor applications on the App store and Google Play Store. These sources offered a wealth of information that included stories and experiences of allergy patients, their journeys, and challenges.

I further complemented this data by conducting interviews with a doctor and two allergy patients. Based on these sources, the following user-profiles and need cases were established.

[2] Allergic Living: Allergic Living (www.allergicliving.com)    [3] Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (www.aafa.org)

User Personas & Need Cases

  • Understanding Allergies

    1. Users want educational resources to learn about allergies, common triggers, and potential symptoms.

    2. Users need a user-friendly interface to input their allergy details and medical history.

    3. Users require access to expert advice and tips on managing allergies effectively.

  • Symptom Tracking and Reporting

    1. Users want to track their allergy symptoms, such as itching, sneezing, or shortness of breath, over time.

    2. Users need the ability to log the severity of symptoms, triggers, and environmental conditions.

    3. Users want to generate reports summarizing their symptoms to share with healthcare professionals.

  • Personalized Recommendations

    1. Users seek personalized recommendations for managing allergies based on their specific triggers and symptoms.

    2. Users need an alert system to notify them of potential allergens in their surroundings.

    3. Users want an interactive platform to explore allergy-friendly alternatives for food, cosmetics, and household products.

Ideate & Sketch

In this section, I delved into a diverse array of design ideas and concepts for the Allergy App, taking into account the identified user needs and goals. Additionally, I crafted sketches and wireframes to provide a visual representation of the app's layout, navigation, and key features.

Design & Prototype

Home Screen

The home screen provides a user-friendly and informative hub. It offers quick access to key features and relevant curated information, such as pollen count, prescription alerts, and personalized recommendations from the community blog related to the user's allergy. Thoughtful placement ensures easy visibility and quick access to important features of the app.

Symptom Tracker

Symptom Tracking: The design prioritized a user-friendly interface with intuitive input methods for logging and tracking allergy symptoms. An overlay was implemented for seamless navigation, allowing users to easily open and close the input interface. This feature effectively addresses the user's need for tracking symptoms and promotes user engagement.

Product Scanner

Product Scanner: The design consideration for the product scanner involved displaying allergen information in a clear and easy-to-understand manner. The app provided visual indicators, such as color-coded symbols or text labels, to highlight the presence of allergens and their severity. Users could easily interpret the results and make informed decisions about whether a product is safe for their specific allergies.

Community & More

The community page serves as a platform for users to engage and share valuable insights through blog posts. It offers a user-friendly interface that showcases a curated collection of blogs from fellow users. Users can explore a variety of topics related to allergies, treatments, allergy-friendly recipes, personal experiences, and tips for managing allergies. The thoughtful organization and easy navigation enable users to discover, read, and engage with the community's blog content, fostering a sense of connection and support among users.

User Tests & Feedback

To gain insights into possible user frustrations, I conducted remote testing sessions with five users, evaluating ease of navigation, task completion rate, and comprehension of symbols in the weather dashboard. The feedback on the Allergy App's design was overwhelmingly positive, and here are some emerging comments from the users:

The design is visually appealing, and the information is well-organized

"I love the personalized recommendations on the Allergy App. It's great to receive tailored suggestions for allergen-free products and treatment options. The design is visually appealing, and the information is well-organized. One suggestion would be to include more educational resources to enhance allergy awareness."

The Community page is user-friendly, but I would appreciate having a search functionality

"The community aspect of the Allergy App is fantastic. I enjoy reading blogs and connecting with others who share similar allergies. The design of the Community Page is user-friendly, but I would appreciate better search functionality to easily find specific blog topics. Overall, it's a wonderful platform for support and information."

I think it is really intuitive and comprehensive. I like the personalized dashboard feature

"I found the design to be intuitive and informative. The personalized information about my specific allergies was a standout feature. However, I encountered occasional loading issues when accessing certain sections of the app. Overall, it's a valuable tool for allergy management."


The Allergy App portfolio showcases my dedication to user-centric design and my ability to translate conversations and user feedback into impactful product ideas. Given more time, I would explore design solutions for parents to monitor their children's allergies and consider implementing a community feedback and verification system for product reviews and allergy ratings.

I eagerly invite your thoughts and comments on the design, including suggestions for improvement, different approaches, and additional features you would like to see. Thank you for your valuable input!


Baobab Events Page - UX Design


Baobab User Feed - UX Research